Greetings from Canada

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Registrado: 20 Ene 2024 01:21
Ubicación: Kelowna, BC, Canada
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Greetings from Canada

Mensaje por Okanagan »


I have joined this forum because I wish to continue to learn about the F800 series of BMW motorcycles and I have found that forums in the EU often have a perspective quite different from those in North America.

I also expect to be able to contribute to the forum given that I have been maintaining our two F650GS (twin) motorcycles for the past 13 years and our bikes have a total of over 275,000 kms. The F800 bikes are very reliable with the Rotax engines.

We have done tours in Croatia, Italy, France and Greece and we will soon be doing one in New Zealand.

I don't imagine that there are too many members here from Canada!

Thanks for letting me participate!

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Especialista en F800GS
Especialista en F800GS
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Registrado: 14 Mar 2021 20:29
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Re: Greetings from Canada

Mensaje por poli »

Muchas gracias por tus aportes y por supuesto BIENVENIDO AL FORO!!! bb
Lo mas importante de la continuidad de un foro es aportar, bien sea preguntando o respondiendo. Con ello ayudaremos a que cada día crezcamos un poquito más. kd:

BMW F800GS del 2011 ok:
Gurú de la F800GS
Gurú de la F800GS
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Re: Greetings from Canada

Mensaje por gringo42 »

Bienvenido al foro, encontraras mucha y variada información sobre tu moto. Saludos desde Argentina.
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Registrado: 07 May 2014 23:22
Ubicación: Marbella
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Re: Greetings from Canada

Mensaje por Fgesero »


What is surprising me is how you really enjoy rinding your bike in Canada,
when the weather only allows you to do it for a really short period of the year.
This is an example for us.